Sunday, April 22, 2012


Well, this is a little late but I just can't believe we have graduated and this blog will not be doing anything further. Time passes so quickly and I must say, I had fun during this 3 years. I'm just glad that I have met all of you. It's been a good experience.

To anyone who thing of doing Biochemistry in UTAR. Remember one thing though, no matter how hard it is, you will always have friends who will experience it with you. You meet all sort of people and learn all sort of things. Be humble, be creative, be responsible, and be prepare. This 3 years of your life there will be a roller coaster ride but at the end of every roller coaster ride, you will either love it or never wanted to remember it ever again XD. But whatever it is, do remember the friends you have made there. It is the only time you will ever meet true friends cause the working world is totally different.